RMIT together with Hands on Health Australia (HoHA) deliver a student
outreach health clinic to Indigenous football and netball club, Fitzroy Stars.
HoHA is an organisation delivering quality health care to marginalised
communities across Australia through training, education, research, and
treatment. Working with RMIT, HoHA clinics utilise current students to help deliver
key healthcare services to communities.
The beneficiary of the new clinic, the Fitzroy Stars Football and Netball Club, is committed to
creating a club culture that promotes healthy lifestyles and fosters reconciliation between
Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.
RMIT chiropractic and exercise science students use the clinic to gain hands-on experience in
their chosen fields as credit towards their studies, while learning about the Club and it’s deeply
embedded Indigenous culture.
CEO of HoHA Franca Smarrelli praised this energetic partnership.
“It is a three-way partnership that provides so much mutual benefit.
“HoHA provides the clinic and integrated health model, RMIT provides quality education
innovation and collaboration through its School of Health and Biomedical Sciences and the
Fitzroy Stars have the opportunity to educate the broader community about Indigenous
culture,” he said.
Fitzroy Stars football player Keith Morgan who has been part of the club for over seven years
has already experienced firsthand the benefits of the clinic.
“It’s been a great opportunity for the players to receive treatment while being educated about
being more proactive in staying on top of our physical health,” he said.
RMIT Chiropractic student Krissie Dowlin completed her clinical placement at the Fitzroy Stars,
and looks back on it fondly.
“My time at the Fitzroy Stars not only helped develop my diagnostic and examination skills as a
health professional but opened my eyes to the importance of this club for the broader
“My experience at the club has allowed me to further understand the Indigenous culture and has
ignited the passion in me to take part in and hopefully even facilitate similar programs in the
future,” she said.